Dear Friends of Trinity Christian Preschool,
The year was 2020. Need I say more? Actually, I do. While we have gone through the most challenging of times as a preschool, we have had the most spectacular season of blessing as we trusted the Lord for each day.
We started the 2020-2021 school year with state-mandated class restrictions, procedural regulations, very rigid staff/student ratios and not enough tuition money to pay for it all. But God provided as the year moved on and, as we stepped out in faith, we saw miracles happen. Someone dropped off Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and supplies anonymously, classes filled up, donations came in, the State of Connecticut commended us for total compliance and we never had to close our doors due to COVID. GOD IS GOOD!!!!
As we look forward to the 2021-2022 school year and the celebration of our 60th year, we realize that we have work to do to remain the competitive preschool that we have become. We have not been able to rely on normal fund-raising events due to the inability to gather. Additionally, we must keep tuition in line with other schools in the area. Therefore, we are looking to this annual appeal to raise $15,000 for the following:
Playground improvements—This includes starting a fund for a badly needed renovation of the play scape area. The equipment is cracking and worn.
A modest increase in teacher salaries. While we have made some positive changes in the last 2 years, our goal is to be able to raise our base salary by 5% for 2021-2022. As we grow, this will also help us attract new teachers.
Four new window air conditioners for the 4 preschool rooms. Current units are old and inefficient or not working at all.
Upgrades to the school library to be more preschool-friendly.
All donations to TCPS are tax-deductible. To donate online CLICK HERE
“May the Lord God of your fathers make you a thousand times more numerous than you are, and bless you as He has promised you!” Deuteronomy 1:11
Thank you for your prayerful consideration of support.
Wanda Carmon
Trinity Christian Preschool Board Chairman